Transparency is a crucial concept for us and this is why all the offers and coupons published on our platforms get checked every day – by doing this, we have been able to build and gain users trust effectively.
Drive-to-Store or Drive-To-Site? With Discoup you can choose where to direct your traffic depending on the type of discount or offer. We can lead and influence users to shop in physical stores or online.
We work every day to provide the brands the best and most innovative solutions to keep pace with IT constant evolution.Our websites are always up-to-date and user-friendly so that everybody can look for the best deals from any device easily.
Thanks to our web positioning strategy, we will be able to attract and direct thousands of users to your brand. By increasing and improving quality traffic to your website, we will raise sales, turnover and new users.
Your number of users will grow
We will generate sales
Drive to store
Before any in-store purchase, 73% of Italian customers read and collect information about price and features of the products they are willing to buy. Discoup promotes your brand’s deals to over 5 million users per month connecting e-shop and physical store offers all at once.
Online advertising - Discoup users receive updates about the latest offers and discount codes through banners, newsletters, push notifications and e-mail alerts.
In-store experience - The customer goes shopping in physical stores where he will have the chance to grab the offer seen online or use the coupon downloaded at home.
Achieve success just like these brands
We boost your sales by enhancing your brand’s visibility!